Monday, 12 May 2014

StageOne reads Michael Hale's translation of Racine's play ESTHER - May 6th 2014

This Tuesday Michael Hale inspired us to read his own original translation of Racine's play ESTHER , faithfully based upon the Old Testament book of thae title. What a moving, heart-rendering and thought-provoking time we had. The context, of course, being the threat of extermination of the complete Jewish race, then in exile and slavery in Syria. As in the O.T. book, Racine conveys many unexpected twists in the plot and outcome.... with great prayer and trust being placed in the Hebrew God of the Old Testament- and now of course seen through Christian perspectives, both then in the 17th Century when the play was written and today

MORE GOOD NEWS! We're carrying on reading the play to finish it at our next play-reading session, which, please note, will be on May 27th (not June 2rd this time) at 7.30 for 7.45pm prompt at the Methodist Church, Sandgate Rd. We look forward to seeing you all at this and all our Tuesday evening sessions, details of which you can see in our scheduled programme and planning. Roger Smith (Chair).

Thursday, 1 May 2014

StageOne Mime Workshop - 29th April 2014

StageOne had a most stimulating evening on Tuesday under the theme of 'mime' led by Steve Dennis. We learnt together as a group how to interact with each other in dramatic mime mode with NO words spoken. We were made more aware of body movement and control; of communicating to the audience without words; by using simple everyday objects in creative ways; and forming tableaux as an interactive group...for example eight of us together formed a sailing ship, from out of Dover into the high seas, and ending up shipwrecked! A memorable evening for those who came along!