"In the psychologist's chair" session this week (lead by Roger) saw us
taking turns of 'relaxing' in the very special 'chair' - but without
either sight, hearing or speech - and how we could otherwise react to
some amazing, surprising, unbelievable news being given to us by the
psychologist! Not easy - especially for those in role play - but
hilarious for the audience!
There was a biblocal basis in examples of people being struck dumb (Zechariah), blinded (St Paul) or being deaf to Jesus' message (many!) A fun final session if this part was a scenario in which the Pope unexpectedly comes to Lambeth Palace to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury and offering the hand of friendship and an apology for past splits the Pope had apparently learnt from his contemporary, Notrodarmus in France, that Churches Together in Folkestone would be demanding unity in the 21st century - so he was trying to get in first!!
In the second session (lead by John) we practised "freeze-framing" techniques in which the acted out a sketch with two groups of actors either side of a dividing screen, not therefore being able to see each other - and having to very carefully listen to each other for coded signs when they were finished and ready to freeze and the other group to unfreeze and come back to life. We discussed various types of such codes and signs -short of mental telepathy!
There was a biblocal basis in examples of people being struck dumb (Zechariah), blinded (St Paul) or being deaf to Jesus' message (many!) A fun final session if this part was a scenario in which the Pope unexpectedly comes to Lambeth Palace to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury and offering the hand of friendship and an apology for past splits the Pope had apparently learnt from his contemporary, Notrodarmus in France, that Churches Together in Folkestone would be demanding unity in the 21st century - so he was trying to get in first!!
In the second session (lead by John) we practised "freeze-framing" techniques in which the acted out a sketch with two groups of actors either side of a dividing screen, not therefore being able to see each other - and having to very carefully listen to each other for coded signs when they were finished and ready to freeze and the other group to unfreeze and come back to life. We discussed various types of such codes and signs -short of mental telepathy!